Welcome to Persephone AI Persephone Logo

Persephone is revolutionary food-health-climate app designed to help you and the planet get on the path to health and sustainability. With Persephone, you will be able to track and analyse what you eat, and if you choose, the app will guide you towards eating food which is both better and healthier for you and the Earth.

Persephone's Three Layers

Description - What's in Your Food

Since most of us do not grow our own food nor have any direct connection with it, we no longer know what is in our food nor how it gets to us. Using a simple photo of the food on your plate, Persephone will first identify what it is, and then will estimate both the nutrients and negative factors. It will work out whether you have met accepted daily nutrient targets or exceeded suggested limits for harmful contents.

Didactic - Learning About Food and Food Systems

In order to eat better and more sustainable food, most people will have to learn more about food and how to source it and prepare it and more about where our food comes from and what it is doing to the environment and the rest of the natural world. To this end, we are continuously building our database of food, nutrients, and food system dynamics so that we can help you better understand where your food comes from, how to cook healthier and more sustainable food, and how our food choices affect almost everything in the world.

Diet - What You Might Consider Doing Differently

For those that want it, we will offer diet suggestions based on information you give us; we will explain how to choose, source and cook food which is healthier and better for you and our world.

About Persephone AI

Persephone AI is a UK start-up consisting of:

  • Julian Darley - CEO
  • Dr Stephen Mitchell - Chief Medical Officer
  • Raphael Darley - CTO
  • Celine Rich - COO

For more information, please contact info@persephone-ai.com.